6 Paleo Dessert Recipes to Satisfy  Your Sweet Tooth



In our last article, we talked about comfort food and finding Paleo-friendly alternatives to some of your favorite foods, and today, we'll be looking at the sweeter side of Paleo.  We’ve put together a list of 6 sweet and satisfying Paleo Dessert recipes and some additional Paleo Snack considerations that will keep you loving Paleo and successful on your Paleo Diet.

Having a Paleo Dessert & Snack for Every Occasion

Whether you've been on a Paleo Diet for a while or just starting one, they're all about natural, unprocessed food choices. While you may lose some of your favorite comfort foods and desserts, there's always a better Paleo alternative that not only tastes amazing but is better for you.

Making Paleo Sorbets



We want to start your Paleo Dessert journey with simple-to-make sorbets!


Making Your Own Paleo Sorbets Sorbets are perfect iced desserts that you can enjoy anytime. It’s safe to say that 99% of all the Sorbet you find on the shelves isn’t Paleo Friendly. 


But the great news is you can make your own Paleo Sorbets and they’ll taste even more amazing than what you can buy at the store. Using your blender and fresh fruits and Paleo ingredients combine into a delicious snack or dessert you, your family, and guests can enjoy anytime.


Raspberry Orange Paleo Sorbet


A sweet, fruity & citrus sorbet that has the perfect base to get creative to become a staple Paleo dessert recipe


Total Preparation Time: 5 minutes 

84 Calories, 20g fat,  1g fiber, 36g protein, and 2g carbs

Serving Size: 2



Raspberry Orange Paleo Sorbet Ingredients



2 sliced frozen bananas 

1 cup frozen strawberries 

Zest and juice of 1 orange 

1/4 cup Raw honey


Raspberry Orange Paleo Sorbet Preparation Instructions


Making your own Paleo sorbets is simple! 


Add your ingredients to your blender, mix thoroughly, and serve immediately.


Change out these fruits for some of your other favorites and experiment to find the perfect flavors.



This Raspberry Orange Sorbet gives you a certain zest that combines great ingredients into an irresistible sorbet recipe you’ll add to your recipe collection and make your refinements for the perfect fruit and flavor combinations.


If you like a delicious mix of fruit flavors blended with complementary flavors, our Orange or Strawberry Crème Skinny Bars are another low-calorie Paleo Dessert, snack, or meal replacement choice when you're on the go or just need a perfect Paleo pick-me-up.




Not only is this a low-calorie treat, this great-tasting, and family-friendly ice cream parfait is perfect for lunch, dessert, and snack time. 






Coconut Ice Cream: 2 (15 oz) cans of full-fat coconut milk  

1/2 cup raw honey or maple syrup  

3 tablespoons Coconut oil  

1 tablespoon pure vanilla  


Parfait: 4 cups Mixed berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries  

3 tablespoons Ground flax seeds  

3 tablespoons hemp seeds  

3 tablespoons Chia seeds 


Coconut Ice Cream Ice Cream Preparation 


If you plan on making delicious ice cream, prepare your ice cream in advance by taking your ingredients and blending them until all the ingredients are smooth.  


Add your ingredients to your ice cream maker by following the instructions or churn ingredients by hand and freeze overnight.  


Coconut Ice Cream Ice Cream Preparation 


To make the ice cream, put all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker, follow the instructions, and churn the mixture until ready to freeze.   


 If you want to make parfaits get parfait glasses or bowls and layer ice cream and your berries, seeds, and your favorite toppings. Serve and enjoy! 47 Calories, 13g fat,  5.8g fiber, 10g protein, and 14.8g carbs.


Get Your Paleo Coconut Fix


If you love Coconut, our Coconut Chocolate Almond MEGA BAR gives you the ultimate flavor with none of the preservatives. Packed with 18 grams of Hormone-Free and Steroid Free Egg White & Beef Collagen Protein, and all-natural ingredients, these are perfect as a snack, meal replacement, or anytime dessert that will keep you satisfied.







Total Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

Serving Size: 2



This one may blur the lines of your Paleo Diet unless you're milling your flour, though we're including this one because these muffins are delicious and perfect for kids, guests prepared lunches, and desserts. 





    • 1 cup Almond flour 
    • 1/4 cup Coconut flour 
    • 1/4 cup Cocoa powder 
    • 1 teaspoon Baking soda 
    • 1/4 teaspoon Sea salt 
    • 1 teaspoon Pumpkin pie spice 
    • 3 Eggs 
    • 3/4 cup Pumpkin puree 
    • 3 tablespoons Coconut oil melted 
    • 1 tablespoon Vanilla extract 
    • 1/4 cup Raw honey 
    • 1/4 cup Dried cranberries


    Cranberry Pumpkin Muffin Mix Preparation Instructions

    Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. 
    Use your Paleo cooking oil to grease your muffin tin or line cups with wrappers.
    Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. In another bowl combine eggs, pumpkin puree, coconut oil, vanilla, and honey and whisk until blended. Add combined ingredients into your large bowl of ingredients and stir, gently combining cranberries (or your other favorite fruit choice).
    Spread mixture evenly throughout muffin cups. Bake at temperature for 20-25 minutes until baked thoroughly.


    These low-calorie Paleo muffins are perfect for fall, winter, or when you need a rich and rewarding dessert option.


    60 Calories, 10g fat,  7g fiber, 46g protein, and 15g carbs.


    Strawberry Lemon Muffin Paleo Bars    


    If it’s the baked flavor of muffins you’re looking for, prepare for the perfectly proportioned flavor of our Strawberry Lemon Muffin Skinny Bars for the perfect dessert, or any flavor you'll love!


    Cranberry Paleo Snacks


    If it's the delicious flavor of cranberries you're looking for, choose between sweet and savory with our Cranberry Apple Chicken Protein Bites and Cranberry Almond MEGA BARS for an unmatched Paleo Snack or dessert that will satisfy your cravings with perfect Paleo flavors.







    For fall nights, holidays, and special dinners, this rich & delicious pumpkin chocolate mousse is perfect to soothe a sweet tooth and a flavor that will impress.





    Paleo Pumpkin Chocolate Mousse Ingredients


    1 ripened avocado pitted and peeled 

    1/4 cup Honey 

    1 can pumpkin puree 

    2 teaspoons Pumpkin pie spice 

    1 cup Full-fat coconut milk 

    1/4 cup Cocoa powder 

    1/2 teaspoon Sea salt


    Paleo Pumpkin Chocolate Mousse Preparation Instructions


    Add your ingredients into your blender and blend until all ingredients are smooth. Transfer mixture evenly into a bowl or parfait cup and let set overnight in the refrigerator. When ready to eat, serve at room temperature.


    Other Chocolate Paleo Snack & Dessert Choices


    For another decadent Paleo snack or dessert option, try our Chocolate Chunk or Mint Chocolate Chip Skinny Bars which have 11 grams of Cage-Free, Steroid-Free & Hormone-Free protein bar you can enjoy anytime.





    Total Preparation Time:  5 minutes

    Serving Size: 2

    Full of antioxidants, this Blueberry & Thyme smoothie is just the start of amazing smoothie recipes that are great after workouts or as a low-calorie dessert that gives you great flavor with zero guilt. 


    Once you have this one, you'll want to make Paleo smoothies with all of your favorite fruits, seeds, and spices. This one is a great one to call your own.


    Blueberry Paleo Smoothie Ingredients 



      • 1 cup Frozen blueberries 
      • 1 cup Coconut milk 
      • 1/2 tsp Thyme leaves 
      • 1 Lime (juiced) 
      • 1 Banana
      • Great with Strawberries too ;)


    Blueberry & Thyme Paleo Smoothie Preparation Instructions 


    Combine your ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and serve. This is another great smoothie idea that's great for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack, which you’ll love over and over again.


    NUTRITIONAL VALUE   61 Calories, 10g fat,  7g fiber, 46g protein, 15g carbs.


    Thyme Paleo Snacks


    If you're like us and love the delicious flavor of Thyme, our Thyme & Sea Salt Paleo Protein Sticks give you a satisfying, filling flavor with every bite that's perfect for a snack or savory Paleo Dessert option.





    This recipe uses almond and coconut flour as well as organic maple syrup and maple sugar


    Also, making your flour may be labor intensive but gives you a great alternative to store-bought options.






    2 cups almond flour 

    3 tablespoons coconut flour 

    1/4 cup maple syrup 

    1 egg 

    1/4 cup coconut or almond milk 

    3 tablespoons coconut oil 

    1/2 teaspoon baking soda 

    1/4 teaspoon sea salt 

    1 cup blueberries 

    1 tablespoon maple sugar     




    Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Combine the flour, maple syrup, egg, oil, baking soda, and salt in a mixing bowl until dough forms in the bowl. As you stir gently introduce blueberries and evenly distribute them throughout the mix   


    Take out the dough and place it on a cutting board. Using your hands form, 3-inch thick circles and use a knife to cut into wedges. Place wedges on parchment paper on a baking sheet.  Sprinkle maple sugar evenly over wedges and bake for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown 


     NUTRITIONAL VALUE 120 Calories, 11g fat,  7g fiber, 36g protein, 15g carbs.


    Another Great Blueberry Paleo Snack & Dessert Option


    If you love the satisfyingly fresh flavor of Blueberries, our Blueberry Banana Skinny Bars give you a rewardingly fresh flavor in a convenient Paleo Bar you can take anywhere for an all-natural Paleo flavor your body will love!


    Saving Your Recipes


    When you find recipes you love you should save them! 


    Whether your inspiration creates your unique dishes, or you find them, having a wide range of choices to choose from for your food, drink, and dessert choices will keep you satisfied and committed to living better, eating well, and living the Paleo Lifestyle.



    Paleo Snacks & Meal Replacements


    From great-tasting Paleo Protein SticksJerky, and Chicken Bites to Paleo Bars including Skinny Bars & MEGA BARS


    We’re committed to providing the highest quality Paleo snacks & meal replacements that give you the essential nutrients you need.  


    Find the right Paleo snacks that fit your lifestyle, and your taste buds and keep you wanting to come back for more!

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